Dear Diary
You know you are middle-aged - or in close proximity to it - when you start discussing the weather. I mean, you NEVER hear children discussing the weather do you. Well, unless you are British, in that case it’s pretty much an obligation of your birth right.
However, I recently found myself doing exactly this but, in my defence, I was asked – I most certainly did not initiate conversation about the weather however, this was a climate conversation with a difference as it which centred around the differences between British and South African weather, particularly when it comes to storms.
But it did get me thinking. I think the best way to describe the differences between the two is to compare them to children. South African storms are like tantrum throwing toddlers: Full of noise and dramatics, fury and energy, and then, in the morning, the sun comes out and everything looks fresh and lovely and all that happened the night before is just a memory.
Britain is a whole different scenario entirely. Britain is more of a sulky teenager. Less sound and fury but preferring to favour days on end of varying shades of grey with moments of (and sometimes continuous) drizzle. Occasionally, you can see the sun lurking behind a cloud trying to peek out and you remember that Britain is capable of the most glorious sunshiny days but then the clouds gather, as if determined to shroud the warmth and light from anyone who wants to embrace it. All very monotonous and depressing until no one can even remember the reason for the sulk or indeed if the sun ever did shine. But then when the sun does shine – wow! Do you take notice and appreciate it!
Winters in the UK can be long and dark and cold. But there is nothing quite like a European summer. Those long nights when the dark hardly seems to come at all and the lush green of the world around you lifts your spirits and makes you feel invincible …
I feel there’s a metaphor in all of this.
A reminder that no matter how grey and cold and wet or dark it gets, or even how long that darkness lasts, the light and warmth will always return. Sometimes you just have to wrap up and wait for it and at other times, well, you just have to pack your bags, shut the door and go and find your spot in the sunshine.
01 Sep, 2024